Say (O Muhammad ) : "He is Allah, (the) One"Allah-us-Samad (The Self-Sufficient Master, Whom all creatures need, He neither eats nor drinks)."He begets not, nor was He begotten;"And there is none co-equal or comparable unto Him." (surah al-ikhlas,al-quran)

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said,

"Almighty Allah says, "I am –absolutely- in no need of partners. Whoever does a deed for the sake of others as well as Me, I leave that person and that deed." (Muslim)

Monday, February 22, 2010

Large Explosion At Labuan Petronas Plant, No Injuries/ Tiada kecederaan akibat letupan besar di loji Petronas Labuan

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LABUAN, Feb 22 (Bernama) -- There was a large explosion at the Petronas Methanol Labuan (PML)'s S1001 contolled natural gas Flare Tip that caused operations at the RM511 million methanol plant to cease Monday.

Eighty-two PML contract workers and 46 of its staff were working there when the explosion occurred at 11.37am but no one was hurt.

Two fire engines from the Labuan Fire and Rescue Service and the PML rescue unit rushed to the scene and controlled the situation within 30 minutes.

Speaking at a news conference, PML production chief, Mohd Kamis Abdul Manap, said a detailed invesitgation will be conducted to determine the cause of the explosion.

"We will conduct a comprehensive investigation before operations can continue. We will identify if there was weakness in the safety aspect," said Mohd Kamis

The PML plant was built in 1984 and its biggest customer is Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (MTBE) in Kuantan, Pahang.

Other markets include, Japan, Indonesia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Korea, Taiwan and China.

In 2007, two Petronas sub-contract workers were seriously burned in an explosion while carrying out works at the PML plant in Rancha-Rancha.



Tiada kecederaan akibat letupan besar di loji Petronas Labuan

LABUAN: Satu letupan besar berlaku di cerowong pembuangan gas terkawal (S1001 Flare Tip) Petronas Methanol Labuan (PML) hari ini, memaksa operasi di tapak loji minyak bernilai RM511 juta itu dihentikan.

Seramai 82 pekerja kontrak dan 46 petugas Petronas Methanol Labuan sedang bekerja di situ ketika letupan berlaku jam 11.37 pagi tadi, tetapi tiada kecederaan dilaporkan.

Duah jentera bomba masing-masing dari Jabatan Bomba dan Penyelamat Labuan dan unit bomba penyelamat PML dikerah mengawal kebakaran akibat letupan tersebut, dan berjaya mengawal keadaan 30 minit kemudian.
Bercakap kepada satu sidang akhbar, Ketua Produksi PML, Mohd Kamis Abdul Manap, berkata siasatan terperinci akan dibuat bagi mengenal pasti punca letupan.

"Kita akan buat siasatan menyeluruh sebelum kerja-kerja dapat diteruskan di tapak loji ini.

"Ini adalah kejadian pertama berlaku di cerowong pembuangan gas asli terkawal ini. Kita akan mengenal pasti sama ada wujudnya kepincangan dalam aspek keselamatan," katanya.
Petronas Methanol Labuan memiliki loji methanol yang dibina pada 1984 dan mampu menghasilkan 60,000 methanol setahun.

Pelanggan terbesar PML adalah loji propilena Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (MTBE) di Kuantan, Pahang dengan keperluan tahunan sebanyak 110,000 tan.

Pasaran lain termasuklah Jepun, Indonesia, Filipina, Singapura, Thailand, Korea, Taiwan dan China.

Pada 2007, dua pekerja sub-kontrak Petronas parah terbakar dalam satu letupan ketika melaksanakan kerja pengimpalan di plant PML di Rancha-Rancha. - Bernama

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